Steak ‘n Shake’s Shocking Decision: No More Chicken Tenders!

Steak and Shake, a popular fast-food chain, made the surprising decision to discontinue their chicken tenders. This move left many customers wondering why such a beloved menu item was taken off the menu.

While the exact reasons behind this decision remain unclear, it is important to note that businesses often make changes to their offerings based on a variety of factors, such as cost, customer demand, and overall menu optimization.

Let’s delve deeper into the possible reasons behind Steak and Shake’s discontinuation of their chicken tenders.

why did steak and shake discontinue their chicken tenders

Steak and Shake’s decision to discontinue chicken tenders: What prompted the change?

Steak and Shake, a popular fast-food chain known for its burgers and milkshakes, recently made the surprising decision to discontinue one of its menu items – chicken tenders.

This move has left many customers wondering what prompted this change and why the restaurant would remove a fan-favorite item from its menu.

There are several factors that likely contributed to Steak and Shake’s decision to discontinue chicken tenders. One possible reason is the increasing demand for plant-based options and healthier alternatives.

In recent years, there has been a significant shift in consumer preferences towards more sustainable and nutritious food choices. As a result, many fast-food chains have started to introduce plant-based options and remove items that are considered less healthy.

Another factor that may have influenced Steak and Shake’s decision is the cost and availability of chicken. The prices of poultry have been on the rise due to various factors such as increased demand and supply chain disruptions.

This could have made it financially challenging for the restaurant to continue offering chicken tenders at an affordable price while maintaining their desired profit margins.

Additionally, menu simplification could have played a role in the decision to discontinue chicken tenders. Streamlining the menu allows restaurants to focus on their core offerings and improve operational efficiency.

By reducing the number of menu items, Steak and Shake can concentrate on delivering high-quality burgers and milkshakes, which are their main specialties.

Customer feedback and sales data might have also influenced the decision. If chicken tenders were not performing well in terms of sales or receiving negative feedback from customers, it would make sense for Steak and Shake to discontinue the item.

Restaurants are constantly evaluating their menu items to ensure they are meeting customer expectations and driving profitability.

While the discontinuation of chicken tenders may come as a disappointment to some Steak and Shake fans, it is important to remember that businesses need to make strategic decisions based on various factors.

The decision to discontinue a menu item is not taken lightly and is often the result of careful analysis and consideration of market trends, consumer preferences, and financial factors.

In summary, the decision by Steak and Shake to discontinue chicken tenders was likely driven by several factors including the increasing demand for healthier options, the cost and availability of chicken, menu simplification efforts, and customer feedback.

While change can be challenging, it is essential for businesses to adapt and evolve to meet the ever-changing needs and preferences of their customers.

Exploring the reasons behind Steak and Shake’s chicken tender discontinuation

In this section, we will delve into the reasons behind Steak and Shake’s decision to discontinue their chicken tender offering.

This move came as a surprise to many loyal customers who had grown accustomed to enjoying the popular menu item. Let’s explore some of the factors that may have influenced this decision.

1. Changes in consumer preferences:

One possible reason for the discontinuation of Steak and Shake’s chicken tenders is a shift in consumer preferences. In recent years, there has been an increasing demand for healthier menu options, with customers seeking out items that are lower in calories and fat.

This trend may have prompted Steak and Shake to reassess their menu and focus on offering healthier alternatives.

Additionally, there has been a growing interest in plant-based protein alternatives, with many individuals opting for vegetarian or vegan options. This shift towards a more plant-based diet could have influenced Steak and Shake’s decision to remove the chicken tenders from their menu.

2. Supply chain challenges:

Another factor that may have contributed to the discontinuation of chicken tenders at Steak and Shake is supply chain challenges. Sourcing high-quality chicken and maintaining a consistent supply can be a logistical challenge for restaurants, especially when faced with fluctuations in demand or issues related to food safety.

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Steak and Shake, like any other restaurant, relies on a steady supply of ingredients to ensure consistent menu offerings. If the restaurant faced challenges in sourcing chicken tenders or maintaining the quality and safety standards they strive for, it could have played a role in their decision to discontinue the item.

3. Operational considerations:

The decision to remove chicken tenders from the menu may have also been influenced by operational considerations. Introducing a new menu item or maintaining an existing one requires additional resources, such as training staff, updating menus, and managing inventory.

Restaurant chains often assess the viability of menu items based on their profitability and the resources required to support them.

If the chicken tenders were not generating sufficient sales to justify the operational costs associated with them, Steak and Shake may have decided to reallocate their resources to other menu items that were more popular or profitable.

4. Menu simplification:

Menu simplification is a strategy employed by many restaurants to streamline operations and improve efficiency. By reducing the number of menu items, restaurants can focus on quality and consistency while also reducing food waste.

Steak and Shake may have chosen to discontinue their chicken tenders as part of a broader menu simplification effort. By offering a more focused menu, they can better allocate resources and ensure that each item meets their standards of quality.

5. Rebranding and repositioning:

Finally, the discontinuation of chicken tenders could be part of a larger rebranding or repositioning strategy for Steak and Shake. Restaurants often make changes to their menu to align with new brand messaging or target different customer segments.

If Steak and Shake is shifting its focus towards a specific culinary style or repositioning itself in the market, removing certain menu items that do not align with their new direction can help create a more cohesive and compelling brand image.

Understanding the Impact of Steak and Shake Removing Chicken Tenders from their Menu

In this section, we will explore the implications and consequences of Steak and Shake’s decision to remove chicken tenders from their menu.

This move, though seemingly insignificant, can have a substantial impact on both the restaurant chain itself and its customers.

1. Customer Dissatisfaction

One of the primary consequences of removing chicken tenders from the menu is the potential for customer dissatisfaction.

Chicken tenders are a popular menu item, loved by both adults and children alike. By eliminating this beloved dish, Steak and Shake runs the risk of alienating a significant portion of its customer base.

Furthermore, customers may feel disappointed and frustrated by the limited options available to them after the removal of chicken tenders. This dissatisfaction can lead to a decrease in customer loyalty and potentially drive them towards other dining options that still offer chicken tenders.

2. Decline in Sales

Removing chicken tenders from the menu can also have a direct impact on Steak and Shake’s sales. As mentioned earlier, chicken tenders are a popular item that attracts a wide range of customers.

Without this crowd-pleasing dish, the restaurant may experience a decline in sales, as customers may choose to dine elsewhere.

Additionally, the absence of chicken tenders may result in reduced foot traffic to Steak and Shake locations. Customers who specifically visit the restaurant for this particular menu item may be discouraged from visiting altogether, leading to a potential drop in overall sales and revenue.

3. Competitive Disadvantage

Another significant impact of removing chicken tenders from the menu is the potential competitive disadvantage that Steak and Shake may face. In the fast-food industry, offering a diverse range of menu options is essential to attract and retain customers.

By eliminating chicken tenders, Steak and Shake may find itself at a disadvantage compared to competitors who continue to offer this popular item.

Customers who crave chicken tenders may opt for other fast-food chains that still feature this menu item, resulting in a loss of market share for Steak and Shake.

4. Need for Menu Innovation

While removing chicken tenders may have negative consequences, it also presents an opportunity for Steak and Shake to innovate their menu.

In order to mitigate the impacts mentioned above, the restaurant chain can focus on introducing new and exciting menu items that will entice customers and differentiate themselves from their competitors.

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Steak and Shake could consider adding alternative chicken options, such as grilled chicken sandwiches or chicken wraps, to cater to customers who enjoyed the chicken tenders. By offering a compelling and diverse menu, the restaurant can regain customer trust and potentially attract new patrons.

Customer Reactions to Steak and Shake’s Decision to No Longer Offer Chicken Tenders

Steak and Shake, the popular American fast food chain known for its burgers and milkshakes, recently made a controversial decision to discontinue one of its menu staples – chicken tenders. This move has sparked a variety of reactions from loyal customers and fans of the restaurant.

Steak and Shake’s decision to remove chicken tenders from its menu has left many customers disappointed and even angry. For years, the chicken tenders have been a favorite item among both adults and children, providing a tasty alternative to their signature burgers.

The news of their discontinuation has led to an outpouring of frustration on social media platforms, with many expressing their disappointment and vowing to take their business elsewhere.

One of the main reasons for the negative customer reactions is the lack of alternative options. While Steak and Shake does offer other chicken-based dishes such as chicken sandwiches and salads, they are not seen as direct replacements for the beloved chicken tenders.

Customers have grown accustomed to the unique flavor and texture of the tenders, and the absence of this option leaves a void in their dining experience.

Another factor contributing to the negative customer reactions is the lack of transparency in the decision-making process. Many customers feel blindsided by the sudden removal of a menu item that they have come to rely on.

They question the reasoning behind this move and feel that their preferences and opinions were not taken into consideration.

Furthermore, the decision to discontinue chicken tenders may have a negative impact on Steak and Shake’s customer loyalty and overall sales. Customers who regularly order chicken tenders may choose to visit other restaurants that still offer this menu item, resulting in a loss of business for Steak and Shake.

On the other hand, there are also customers who support Steak and Shake’s decision and understand the need for menu changes. These individuals appreciate the restaurant’s efforts to innovate and refresh its offerings.

They believe that by removing chicken tenders, Steak and Shake can focus on perfecting their core products, such as their burgers and milkshakes.

It is important to note that customer reactions to the discontinuation of chicken tenders can vary depending on the location of the Steak and Shake restaurant.

Regional preferences and cultural differences may play a role in shaping customer sentiments. For example, in areas where chicken tenders are a popular choice, the negative reactions may be more pronounced.

Alternatives to Steak and Shake’s Chicken Tenders

Steak and Shake’s chicken tenders have long been a favorite for many customers, but what if you’re looking for alternatives? Whether you’re a vegetarian or simply want to try something new, there are plenty of options available that can satisfy your cravings.

Let’s explore some delicious alternatives to Steak and Shake’s chicken tenders.

1. Veggie Tenders

If you’re a vegetarian or just looking to incorporate more plant-based options into your diet, veggie tenders are a great alternative to chicken tenders. Made from a blend of vegetables, grains, and spices, veggie tenders offer a similar texture and taste without the meat. They can be enjoyed on their own or used in sandwiches, wraps, or salads.

2. Tofu Nuggets

Tofu nuggets are another popular alternative to chicken tenders, especially for those following a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. Made from soybeans, tofu is packed with protein and can be seasoned and breaded to mimic the taste and texture of traditional chicken tenders. You can dip them in your favorite sauces or use them in stir-fries and other recipes.

3. Fish Strips

If you’re a seafood lover, fish strips can be a delicious alternative to chicken tenders. Whether you opt for cod, salmon, or another type of fish, these breaded and deep-fried strips offer a crispy exterior and a tender, flaky interior.

They can be served with tartar sauce, lemon wedges, or your favorite dipping sauce.

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4. Mushroom Tenders

Mushroom tenders are a unique and flavorful alternative to chicken tenders. Made from breaded and fried mushrooms, these tenders offer a meaty texture and an earthy taste. They can be enjoyed on their own or used as a topping for salads, pizzas, or sandwiches.

5. Cauliflower Wings

Cauliflower wings have gained popularity in recent years as a healthier alternative to chicken wings, but they can also be a great substitute for chicken tenders.

These breaded and baked cauliflower florets offer a crispy exterior and a tender interior. You can toss them in your favorite wing sauce or enjoy them plain with a side of dipping sauce.

6. Plant-Based Chicken Tenders

If you’re looking for a close match to the taste and texture of traditional chicken tenders, there are now several plant-based options available in the market.

These plant-based chicken tenders are made from a blend of proteins, such as soy or pea protein, and are often indistinguishable from their meat counterparts. They can be enjoyed in the same way as chicken tenders, with your favorite sauces and sides.

7. Shrimp Bites

If you’re a fan of seafood, shrimp bites can be a tasty alternative to chicken tenders. These bite-sized, breaded shrimp pieces offer a crunchy exterior and a tender interior. They can be enjoyed as an appetizer, snack, or as part of a seafood platter.

8. Jackfruit Tenders

Jackfruit is a versatile fruit that can be used as a meat substitute due to its fibrous texture. When cooked and seasoned, jackfruit can closely resemble the texture and taste of pulled pork or chicken.

Breaded and fried jackfruit tenders can be a delicious alternative to traditional chicken tenders, especially for those following a vegetarian or vegan diet.

9. Quorn Tenders

Quorn tenders are a popular choice for those looking for a meatless alternative to chicken tenders. Made from mycoprotein, a type of fungi, they offer a similar taste and texture to chicken. They can be enjoyed in various dishes or as a standalone option with your choice of dipping sauce.

10. Sweet Potato Fries

If you’re looking for a side dish alternative to accompany your meal instead of chicken tenders, sweet potato fries are a delicious option. These crispy and flavorful fries can be enjoyed on their own or paired with a dipping sauce for added flavor.


Why did Steak and Shake discontinue their chicken tenders?

Steak and Shake discontinued their chicken tenders due to a change in their menu strategy and focus on their core offerings like burgers and milkshakes.

What is the nutritional information for Steak and Shake’s burgers?

Unfortunately, we do not have access to the specific nutritional information for Steak and Shake’s burgers. However, you can visit their official website or contact them directly for more details.

Does Steak and Shake offer vegetarian or vegan options?

Yes, Steak and Shake does offer vegetarian options. They have a veggie burger on their menu that can be customized to suit vegan preferences by omitting certain ingredients.

Are there any gluten-free options available at Steak and Shake?

While Steak and Shake does not have a dedicated gluten-free menu, they do offer some items that may be suitable for those with gluten sensitivities, such as salads or burgers without buns. However, cross-contamination can occur, so it’s important to inform the staff about any dietary restrictions.

Does Steak and Shake have a rewards program for customers?

Yes, Steak and Shake has a rewards program called the “Steakburgers Rewards Club.” By signing up for the program, customers can earn points on their purchases, receive special offers, and get access to exclusive deals.


In conclusion, the discontinuation of Steak and Shake’s chicken tenders has left many customers questioning their decision. Despite the disappointment, it is important to remember that businesses make strategic choices based on various factors.

While the exact reasons behind this move remain unknown, it is possible that Steak and Shake may have faced challenges with sourcing quality ingredients or aligning their menu with customer preferences.

Nonetheless, Steak and Shake continues to offer a wide variety of delicious options, ensuring that their loyal patrons can still enjoy a memorable dining experience.

As the restaurant industry evolves, it is not uncommon for establishments to make changes to their menu offerings in search of continued success and growth.

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