Deliciously Easy Apple Tartlet Recipe: Omaha Steaks Style!

Looking for a delicious and easy dessert? Learn how to make Omaha Steaks apple tartlets that will leave your taste buds craving for more. These delightful treats feature a flaky pastry filled with delectable apple filling and are perfect for any occasion.

Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or simply want to satisfy your sweet tooth, this recipe is sure to impress. Follow our step-by-step instructions and create a mouthwatering dessert that everyone will love.

how to make omaha steaks apple tartlet

Ingredients and Equipment Needed for Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet

If you’re a fan of delicious desserts, then you have to try the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet. This mouth-watering treat combines the sweetness of apples with a flaky pastry crust, creating a dessert that is both comforting and indulgent.

To make this delectable dish, you’ll need a few key ingredients and some essential equipment. Let’s take a closer look at what you’ll need to whip up this scrumptious treat.


  • 1 package of Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets
  • 2 medium-sized apples (preferably Granny Smith or Honeycrisp)
  • 2 tablespoons of granulated sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon of ground nutmeg
  • 1/4 teaspoon of salt
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch
  • 1 tablespoon of water
  • 1 egg, beaten (for egg wash)


  • Baking sheet
  • Parchment paper
  • Rolling pin
  • Pastry brush
  • Sharp knife
  • Medium-sized bowl
  • Whisk

To start off, gather all the ingredients and equipment listed above. Having everything prepared and within reach will make the baking process much smoother and more enjoyable.

Once you have everything ready, preheat your oven to the temperature specified on the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet package. This will ensure that the tartlets bake evenly and to perfection.

Next, peel, core, and thinly slice the apples. In a medium-sized bowl, combine the sliced apples, granulated sugar, ground cinnamon, ground nutmeg, salt, lemon juice, cornstarch, and water. Gently toss the mixture until the apples are well coated with the sugar and spices.

Take the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet pastry shells out of the package and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Using a rolling pin, gently roll out the pastry shells to make them slightly larger and thinner.

Divide the apple mixture evenly among the pastry shells, spooning it into the center of each shell. Be careful not to overfill the shells, as the filling may spill out during baking.

Once the apple filling is in place, fold the edges of each pastry shell over the apples, creating a rustic and slightly pleated look. This will help keep the filling contained and give the tartlets a beautiful appearance.

Using a pastry brush, lightly coat the edges of the tartlets with the beaten egg. This will give the pastry a golden and glossy finish.

Place the baking sheet with the assembled tartlets in the preheated oven and bake according to the instructions on the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet package. The baking time may vary depending on your oven, so keep a close eye on the tartlets to ensure they don’t burn.

Once the tartlets are golden brown and the apples are tender, remove them from the oven and let them cool for a few minutes before serving. This will allow the flavors to meld together and the pastry to firm up slightly.

In summary, the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet is a delightful dessert that requires just a few simple ingredients and some basic baking equipment. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily create these delectable treats and impress your guests or satisfy your own sweet tooth. Enjoy!

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Step-by-Step Guide: Making Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet

If you’re a fan of delicious apple desserts, then you’ll love making Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets. This recipe combines the sweet and tart flavors of apples with a buttery and flaky crust, creating a mouthwatering treat. Follow this step-by-step guide to learn how to make Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets at home.

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  • 1 package Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets
  • 2 large apples, peeled and thinly sliced
  • 1/2 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
  • 1/4 cup all-purpose flour


1. Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).

2. In a large bowl, combine the sliced apples, granulated sugar, lemon juice, and ground cinnamon. Toss until the apples are evenly coated.

3. In a separate small bowl, mix together the melted butter and all-purpose flour until a crumbly mixture forms.

4. Open the package of Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets and remove the tartlet shells from the tray. Place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

5. Spoon the apple mixture into each tartlet shell, filling them to the top.

6. Sprinkle the crumbly butter and flour mixture over the apples, covering them completely.

7. Place the baking sheet with the filled tartlets into the preheated oven.

8. Bake for 15-18 minutes, or until the tartlet shells are golden brown and the apples are tender.

9. Remove the tartlets from the oven and let them cool slightly before serving.

10. Serve the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets warm, either on their own or with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.

In summary, making Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets is a simple and delicious dessert. The combination of sweet apples with a buttery crust is sure to satisfy your cravings. Follow this step-by-step guide to create these mouthwatering treats in your own kitchen.

Tips and Tricks for Perfect Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet

If you’re a fan of sweet and savory desserts, then you’ll absolutely love the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet. This delicious treat combines the natural sweetness of apples with a buttery pastry crust for a dessert that will satisfy even the most discerning palate. To help you perfect your Apple Tartlet baking skills, we’ve compiled a list of helpful tips and tricks.

1. Choose the Right Apples

When making an Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet, it’s important to choose the right apples. Look for varieties that are firm and slightly tart, such as Granny Smith or Honeycrisp. These apples hold their shape well during baking and provide a nice balance of sweetness and acidity.

2. Use a Pre-made Pastry Crust

Making your own pastry crust can be time-consuming and tricky. Save yourself some time and effort by using a pre-made pastry crust from the store. Simply roll it out to fit your tartlet pan and you’re ready to go.

3. Slice the Apples Thinly

For the best texture and even baking, be sure to slice your apples thinly. Aim for slices that are about 1/8 inch thick. This will ensure that the apples cook through without becoming mushy.

4. Brush the Pastry with Egg Wash

To achieve a golden and glossy finish on your Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet, brush the pastry with an egg wash before baking. Simply beat an egg with a little water and brush it over the surface of the pastry. This will give your tartlet a professional-looking touch.

5. Sprinkle Cinnamon and Sugar on Top

To enhance the flavor of the apples and add a touch of sweetness, sprinkle a mixture of cinnamon and sugar on top of the tartlet before baking. This will create a delicious caramelized crust that will leave your taste buds wanting more.

6. Serve with Vanilla Ice Cream

To take your Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet to the next level, serve it warm with a scoop of creamy vanilla ice cream. The combination of the warm tartlet and cold ice cream is simply heavenly.

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7. Store Properly

If you have any leftovers (which is unlikely!), store your Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet in an airtight container in the refrigerator. It will stay fresh for up to three days. To reheat, simply pop it in the oven for a few minutes until warm.

8. Experiment with Toppings

While the classic combination of apples, cinnamon, and sugar is hard to beat, don’t be afraid to get creative with your toppings. Try adding a sprinkle of chopped nuts, a drizzle of caramel sauce, or a dollop of whipped cream for an extra indulgent twist.

In summary, perfecting your Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet is easier than you think. Just follow these tips and tricks, and you’ll be enjoying a mouthwatering dessert that will impress your friends and family. Happy baking!

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Serving Suggestions and Pairings for Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet

Now that you have your delicious Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet, it’s time to think about how to serve and pair it for the ultimate dining experience. Whether you’re hosting a dinner party or simply enjoying a meal at home, here are some ideas on how to enhance the flavors and presentation of your tartlet:

Serving Suggestions:

  • Ala Mode: Add a scoop of vanilla ice cream or a dollop of whipped cream on top of your warm apple tartlet to create a classic dessert combination.
  • Caramel Drizzle: Drizzle some warm caramel sauce over the tartlet to add a sweet and decadent touch.
  • Cinnamon Sugar Dusting: Sprinkle a mixture of cinnamon and sugar on top of the tartlet for an extra burst of flavor and a hint of sweetness.
  • Fresh Fruit Garnish: Add some fresh berries or sliced fruits like strawberries or peaches on the side to complement the apple flavors and add a refreshing element to your dessert.
  • Mint Leaves: Garnish your tartlet with a few fresh mint leaves to add a pop of color and a subtle hint of minty freshness.
  • Powdered Sugar Dusting: Dust some powdered sugar over the tartlet for an elegant and visually appealing finish.


To elevate your dining experience, consider pairing your Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet with the following:

  • Vanilla Bean Ice Cream: The creamy and smooth flavors of vanilla ice cream complement the warm apple tartlet perfectly.
  • Salted Caramel Sauce: The combination of the sweet apple tartlet and the rich, buttery flavor of salted caramel sauce is a match made in heaven.
  • Spiced Chai Tea: The warm and aromatic flavors of spiced chai tea provide a cozy and comforting accompaniment to the apple tartlet.
  • Sparkling Wine: The effervescence and crispness of a sparkling wine, such as Prosecco or Champagne, contrast beautifully with the sweet and tart flavors of the dessert.
  • Whiskey or Bourbon: For those who enjoy a little bit of indulgence, a glass of whiskey or bourbon can add a rich and smoky note that pairs well with the apple tartlet.

Remember, serving suggestions and pairings are not set in stone. Feel free to get creative and experiment with your own combinations to find what suits your taste buds best. The key is to enhance the flavors and create a memorable dining experience with your Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet.

Variations and Substitutions for Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet

Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet is a delicious dessert that combines the sweet flavors of apples, cinnamon, and buttery pastry. While the original recipe is delightful on its own, there are several variations and substitutions you can make to customize this dessert to your taste.

Here are some ideas to inspire your creativity:

1. Fruit Variations

While the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet is traditionally made with apples, you can experiment with a variety of other fruits. Try substituting the apples with pears, peaches, or berries for a refreshing twist. You can also mix different fruits to create a unique flavor combination.

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2. Spice Substitutions

If you prefer a different spice profile, you can substitute or add spices to the recipe. Instead of using cinnamon, try using nutmeg, cardamom, or ginger for a more exotic flavor. You can also experiment with a combination of spices to create your own signature blend.

3. Sweetener Options

The original recipe calls for granulated sugar to sweeten the apple filling. However, you can substitute the sugar with alternative sweeteners like honey, maple syrup, or coconut sugar. These natural sweeteners can add a different depth of flavor to the tartlet.

4. Pastry Alternatives

If you want to change up the pastry crust, you can try using puff pastry instead of the traditional pie crust. Puff pastry adds a light and flaky texture to the tartlet. You can also experiment with gluten-free or vegan pie crusts for dietary preferences.

5. Topping Ideas

While the Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet is delicious on its own, you can enhance it with various toppings. Consider adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream, a dollop of whipped cream, or a drizzle of caramel sauce. Chopped nuts, such as walnuts or pecans, can also add a delightful crunch.

6. Flavor Infusions

If you want to take the flavor to the next level, you can infuse the apple filling with additional ingredients. For example, you can add a splash of rum, a sprinkle of lemon zest, or a handful of raisins. These additions can elevate the taste and make the tartlet even more memorable.

Remember, the key to creating your own variation of Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet is to have fun and be adventurous in the kitchen. Don’t be afraid to try new flavors and combinations. With these variations and substitutions, you can put your own unique twist on this classic dessert and impress your family and friends.


1. How can I make Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets?

To make Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets, start by preheating the oven to 350°F. Combine thinly sliced apples, sugar, cinnamon, and lemon juice in a bowl. Place the puff pastry squares on a baking sheet, spoon the apple mixture onto the center of each square, and fold the corners towards the center.

Brush the pastry with melted butter and sprinkle with sugar. Bake for 20-25 minutes until golden brown and serve warm.

2. What are the ingredients needed for Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets?

The ingredients needed for Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlets are puff pastry sheets, thinly sliced apples, sugar, cinnamon, lemon juice, melted butter, and additional sugar for sprinkling.

3. Can I use a different fruit instead of apples for the tartlets?

Yes, you can use a different fruit instead of apples for the tartlets. Try using pears, peaches, or berries as a delicious alternative.


In conclusion, making Omaha Steaks Apple Tartlet is a delightful way to indulge in a sweet and satisfying treat. With its flaky pastry crust and tender apple filling, this dessert is sure to impress your taste buds and leave you craving for more.

Whether you’re an experienced baker or a novice in the kitchen, this recipe is easy to follow and promises mouthwatering results. The combination of juicy apples, cinnamon, and a hint of lemon creates a perfect balance of flavors.

So, gather your ingredients, roll up your sleeves, and get ready to enjoy a warm and comforting apple tartlet that will surely become a favorite dessert for any occasion.

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