Can Gerbils Eat Cheese?

Gerbils are small, social rodents that make great pets. They are known for their playful and curious nature, and they are easy to care for. 

One of the most important aspects of caring for gerbils is providing them with a healthy and well-balanced diet. However, many gerbil owners may wonder if it is safe to feed their pet with cheese. 

In this article, we will explore the topic of gerbil nutrition and whether or not gerbils can eat cheese.

gerbil eating cheese

Gerbil Nutrition Basics

Gerbils are native to the deserts of Asia and Africa, where they survive on a diet of seeds, grains, and other plant material. In the wild, gerbils also consume small amounts of insects and other animal protein. 

As pets, gerbils require a diet that provides them with the necessary nutrients to maintain good health. These include protein, fat, fiber, and a variety of vitamins and minerals.

It is recommended that pet gerbils be fed a diet that is high in protein and fiber but low in fat. A diet that is high in fat can lead to obesity and other health problems. 

A diet that is high in protein and fiber will help to keep gerbils healthy and active. Gerbils can be fed a variety of foods, including commercial gerbil food, seeds, grains, fruits, and vegetables.

Can Gerbils Eat Cheese?

Cheese is a dairy product that is rich in protein, fat, and calcium. It is also a good source of other vitamins and minerals, such as Vitamin A and Phosphorus. 

With all these benefits, it’s obvious that cheese may be a good food for gerbils, but it is important to consider the potential risks  of feeding cheese to gerbils alongside the benefits.

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One potential benefit of feeding cheese to gerbils is that it can provide them with protein and calcium. However, cheese is also high in fat, which can lead to obesity and other health problems in gerbils. 

cotija cheese on the table

Additionally, some gerbils may be lactose intolerant, which means they cannot properly digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and dairy products. Lactose in cheese can lead to stomach upset and diarrhea in lactose-intolerant gerbils.

In summary, while gerbils will benefit from the protein and calcium in cheese, the fat and lactose in cheese may be detrimental to their health. Hence, cheese should not be the main component of a gerbil’s diet.

Feeding Cheese to Gerbils

If you decide to feed cheese to your gerbil, it is important to do so in moderation. A small piece of cheese, about the size of a pea, can be offered as an occasional treat. 

It is also important to monitor your gerbil’s reaction to the cheese as some gerbils may be lactose intolerant and may experience stomach upset or diarrhea upon eating the cheese..

When introducing cheese to a gerbil’s diet, it is best to start with a small amount and gradually increase the amount over time. This will help to determine if the gerbil is able to tolerate the cheese and if there are any adverse reactions. 

It is also important to ensure that your gerbil is getting a balanced diet and not relying heavily on cheese as its main diet.


In conclusion, gerbils can eat cheese, but it should not be its main diet. The cheese should only be given in small amounts and as an occasional treat. 

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This is because though cheese is beneficial and offers protein and calcium to gerbils, the fat and lactose in the cheese may trigger some health complications in gerbils. 

We will advise that you consult with a veterinarian or pet nutrition expert before adding cheese to your gerbil’s diet. Generally, a diet that is high in protein and fiber, and low in fat, is essential for maintaining good health in gerbils.

Can gerbils eat any type of cheese?

Gerbils can eat almost any type of cheese, but it is best to avoid cheeses that are high in salt or artificial ingredients. Hard cheeses such as cheddar or gouda are better options than soft cheeses like cream cheese or brie.

How often can I feed cheese to my gerbil?

Due to the fat content in cheese, cheese should be fed to gerbils in small amounts and as an occasional treat. You should not give cheese to your gerbil as a regular diet. We will recommend that you offer a small piece of cheese (about the size of a pea) to your gerbil once or twice a week.

Can gerbils eat cheese if they are lactose intolerant?

We don’t recommend that you give cheese to your lactose-intolerant gerbil. Lactose-intolerant gerbils may experience stomach upset or diarrhea after eating cheese. 

If you suspect that your gerbil is lactose-intolerant, it is best to avoid feeding them with cheese. However, you may consult with your veterinarian for more information..

Are there any health risks associated with feeding cheese to gerbils?

While cheese can provide gerbils with a source of protein and calcium, it is also high in fat. A diet that is high in fat can cause obesity and other health problems in gerbils. 

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It is important to monitor your gerbil’s reaction to cheese and to ensure that it is getting a balanced diet.

Can gerbils eat processed cheese like cheese spread or cheese slices?

Processed cheese products like cheese spread or cheese slices may contain artificial ingredients and preservatives that can be harmful to gerbils. It is best to avoid feeding these types of cheese to gerbils and stick to natural, hard cheeses instead.

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