Where Can I Buy Olavidia Cheese?

Olavidia cheese is a traditional cheese made from sheep’s milk that originates from the Basque region of Spain. It has a unique and robust flavor, making it a popular choice among chefs and food enthusiasts. 

Olavidia cheese is often used in a variety of dishes, from salads to sandwiches and even as a topping for pizzas. But where can you buy Olavidia cheese?

Whether you’re a chef looking to incorporate this delicious cheese into your dishes or a food enthusiast looking to add some variety to your cheese platter, this article will provide you with all the information you need to find and purchase Olavidia cheese.

Types of Olavidia Cheese

There are several varieties of Olavidia cheese, each with its unique flavor profile and texture. Knowing the differences between these varieties will help you in making an informed decision when purchasing Olavidia cheese.

olavidia cheese ready to eat

Description of different varieties of Olavidia Cheese

  • Olavidia Curado: This is a semi-cured variety of Olavidia cheese. It has a hard texture and a nutty, slightly tangy flavor. It’s typically aged for 2-3 months.
  • Olavidia Semi-Curado: This is a semi-cured variety of Olavidia cheese. It has a creamy texture and a mild, nutty flavor. It’s typically aged for 1-2 months.
  • Olavidia Fresco: This is a fresh variety of Olavidia cheese. It has a soft texture and a mild, slightly sweet flavor. It’s typically aged for less than a month.

Flavor profile and texture of each variety

  • Olavidia Curado: Nutty and tangy flavor, hard texture
  • Olavidia Semi-Curado: Mild and nutty flavor, creamy texture
  • Olavidia Fresco: Mild and slightly sweet flavor, soft texture

Best use for each variety in cooking

  • Olavidia Curado: Grated or sliced on top of pizzas, sandwiches, and salads.
  • Olavidia Semi-Curado: Can be used in a variety of dishes, including sandwiches, pasta dishes, and even melted on top of grilled meats.
  • Olavidia Fresco: Best used as a topping for crackers or bread, or as a filling for sandwiches.
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Where to Buy Olavidia Cheese

There are several places where you can purchase Olavidia cheese. These places include online retailers, local retailers, and specialty cheese shops.

Online retailers

Description of online retailer:

Online retailers such as Amazon and iGourmet offer a wide variety of Olavidia cheese for purchase. These retailers carry different types of Olavidia cheese and allow you to purchase them from the comfort of your own home.

Other online retailers such as Spanish Table and Basco also offer Olavidia cheese but only from specific regions of Spain. These retailers focus mainly on Spanish products.

Pros of buying from online retailer:

  • Buying from online retailers allows you to purchase Olavidia cheese from anywhere in the world.
  • You have a wide variety of Olavidia cheese options to choose from.
  • Online retailers often offer competitive prices as well as free or low-cost shipping.

Cons of buying from online retailer:

  • Buying online can be risky as you don’t have the opportunity of inspecting the product before buying. This means that you can only rely on the product description and pictures provided by the seller.
  • Some online retailers may have longer shipping times. As a result, the Olavidia cheese may be closer to its expiration before delivery. 
  • Though some online retailers offer standard and expedited shipping options, the shipping cost may be so expensive for you to incur.

Local Retailers

Description of each retailer:

Local retailers such as grocery stores and specialty food shops may have Olavidia cheese products for sale. These local retailers may either have a limited selection or large varieties of Olavidia cheese to offer.

Pros of buying from local retailer:

  • Buying from local retailers allows you to inspect the product before buying and ensures that the product is fresh.
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Cons of buying from local retailer:

  • Buying from local retailers can be more expensive than buying online due to place utility.
  • Availability of different varieties of Olavidia cheese may be limited, depending on the retailer.

Specialty Cheese Shops

Description of each shop:

Specialty cheese shops are dedicated to the sale of high-quality cheeses, including Olavidia cheese. These shops usually have a wider selection of Olavidia cheese as well as knowledgeable staff who can assist you with your purchase.

Pros of buying from each shop:

  • Buying from specialty cheese shops ensures that you get a high-quality product.
  • Specialty cheese shops often have knowledgeable staff who can provide recommendations and assist you with your purchase.

Cons of buying from each shop:

  • Buying from specialty cheese shops can be more expensive than buying from other retailers.
  • Availability of different varieties of Olavidia cheese may sometimes be limited, depending on the shop.


In conclusion, Olavidia cheese is a delicious and versatile cheese that can be used in a variety of dishes. 

Whether you’re a chef or a food enthusiast, there are several places you can purchase Olavidia cheese, including online retailers, local retailers, and specialty cheese shops. 

Online retailers offer a wide variety of Olavidia cheese and competitive prices, but buying online can be risky. Local retailers offer the ability to inspect the product before buying but may have a limited selection of Olavidia cheese. 

Specialty cheese shops offer a wide selection of Olavidia cheese and knowledgeable staff, but products can be more expensive.

Can Olavidia cheese be frozen?

Yes, Olavidia cheese can be frozen, but it’s recommended to do so only if the cheese is still wrapped in its original packaging and has not been opened. Note that freezing may change the texture and taste of the cheese, so it’s best to consume the cheese within 3-4 months.

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How do I know if the Olavidia cheese I’m buying is authentic?

Olavidia cheese originated from Spain, therefore,  looking for the Denomination of Origin (DO) label on the product is a sign of authenticity. The DO label is a guarantee that the cheese is authentic and has been produced in a specific region of Spain.

 Additionally, you can also look for certification from the Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Protegida (DOP) Olavidia, which ensures that the cheese has been produced using traditional methods and meets strict quality standards.

Can Olavidia cheese be consumed by people who are lactose intolerant?

Yes, people who are lactose intolerant can consume Olavidia cheese. Olavidia cheese is made from sheep’s milk, which contains less lactose than cow’s milk. 

However, Olavidia cheese still contains lactose, so individuals who are lactose intolerant should consume it in small amounts or avoid it altogether if possible.

Can Olavidia cheese be used in a recipe that calls for Parmesan cheese?

Olavidia cheese can be used as a substitute for Parmesan cheese in recipes, but it will have a different flavor and texture. 

Olavidia cheese is nutty and tangy, while Parmesan cheese is salty and nutty. The texture of Olavidia cheese is also harder than that of Parmesan cheese.

Can Olavidia cheese be paired with wine?

Yes, Olavidia cheese can be paired with wine, but it’s important to consider the variety of Olavidia cheese and the flavor profile of the wine. 

A semi-cured Olavidia cheese pairs well with a fruity red wine, while a fresh Olavidia cheese pairs well with a dry white wine. Avoid pairing Olavidia cheese with sweet wines, as the cheese’s flavor may be suppressed.

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