Can You Eat String Cheese With Braces?

String cheese, also known as mozzarella cheese sticks, is a popular snack food that is enjoyed by people of all ages. It is made from mozzarella cheese that is stretched and pulled to form a long, thin string-like shape. 

String cheese is convenient, portable, and easy to eat on the go, making it a popular choice for snacks and lunchtime treats. But can you eat string cheese with braces?

braces in a tooth model

In this article, you’ll understand whether you can eat string cheese with braces or not. Read on.

Can You Eat String Cheese with Braces?

Braces are orthodontic devices that are used to straighten, align, and correct issues such as overbites, underbites, and crooked teeth. They consist of brackets, wires, and bands that are attached to the teeth, and they work by applying gentle pressure to the teeth over time. 

But should you forgo your delicious string cheese just because you now have braces?

While string cheese may be a convenient and tasty snack, it can pose a risk to you if you have braces. 

The stringy texture of the cheese makes it easy for it to get caught in the braces but difficult to remove. The sticky texture of string cheese can also cause it to pull on the brackets and wires.

This can cause damages to the braces, such as bent wires or loose brackets, and may even lead to the need for additional orthodontic appointments.

Nevertheless, you can still eat string cheese with braces. You only need to be mindful of the type of string cheese you eat with your braces.

Types of String Cheese to Eat or Avoid with Braces

Not all types of string cheese are harsh on braces. Some types of string cheese, such as low-moisture mozzarella cheese sticks, are firmer and less sticky than others. This means that they are less likely to get caught in the braces or cause damage.

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On the other hand, string cheeses made from processed cheese or string cheese made with added flavors and ingredients can be more difficult to eat with braces. These types of string cheese are often softer and stickier, and are more likely to get caught in the braces or cause damage.

It’s important to be mindful of the type of string cheese that you choose to eat if you have braces. Opting for firmer and less sticky types of string cheese can help to minimize the risk of damage to your braces.

How to Safely Eat String Cheese with Braces

While string cheese may pose a risk to those who have braces, it is still possible to enjoy it as a snack. Here are some tips to safely eat string cheese with braces without damaging your braces:

Cut the string cheese into small pieces: 

Cutting the string cheese into small pieces can help to reduce the risk of getting it caught in your braces. This also makes it easier to eat and less likely to pull on the brackets and wires.

Avoid biting into the cheese: 

Biting into string cheese can put pressure on your braces and cause damage. Instead of biting into the string cheese, use your front teeth to gently pull off small pieces of the cheese at a time.

Take your time while eating the cheese: 

Eating string cheese too quickly can increase its risk of getting caught in your braces. Take your time to enjoy your snack and chew your food thoroughly to minimize the risk of damage.

Alternative to String Cheese

If you are concerned about the potential risk of eating string cheese with braces, here are a few alternatives to string cheese that may be easier for you to eat.

Soft cheese: 

Cheeses such as brie, camembert, or cottage cheese are softer and less likely to get caught in your braces. They also require less chewing and are easier to eat.

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Block cheese: 

Hard cheeses such as cheddar or gouda are also good options. These types of cheese can be cut into small pieces and are less likely to get caught in your braces.

Spreadable cheese: 

Cheeses like cream cheese or ricotta are also safe options. These can be spread on crackers or bread and are easy to eat with braces.


String cheese can be a tasty and convenient snack, but it can pose a risk to those who have braces. Due to its stringy texture, the cheese can easily get caught in the braces and cause damage. 

However, it’s still possible for you to enjoy string cheese with braces by choosing the right types of cheese, cutting it into small pieces, and avoiding biting into it. 

Additionally, there are alternatives to string cheese that may be easier to eat with braces. These include soft cheese, block cheese, or spreadable cheese. 

Nevertheless, always consult with your dentist or orthodontist and follow their instructions as they have the best recommendation for your specific case.

Can I eat string cheese at all while I have braces on?

Yes, you eat string cheese while you have braces on. However, while you can eat string cheese with braces, you need to take extra precautions to minimize the risk of damage to your braces. 

We’ll recommend that you should always cut the string cheese into small pieces before eating and also avoid biting into it. You should also be mindful of the type of string cheese you choose to eat. 

It’s the best idea to first consult with your dentist or orthodontist to determine whether you can eat string cheese with your specific dental case or not.

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Are there any other types of cheese that I should avoid while I have braces?

Yes, there are other types of cheese that you should avoid if you have braces. Aside from string cheese, other types of cheese to avoid include hard cheeses, such as cheddar or gouda and processed cheeses. 

These types of cheese may be harder to chew and may put more pressure on your braces, increasing the risk of damage. If you have to eat them, you must cut them into bits before chewing.

Can I eat other types of stringy or chewy foods while I have braces?

Generally, it’s the best idea to avoid all stringy or chewy foods while you have braces. Stringy or chewy foods like gum, licorice, and taffy can get caught in your braces and cause damage so you need to be cautious.

If you need to eat any of these stringy or chewy foods, cut them into small pieces before eating them.

Are there any tips to help me clean my braces after eating string cheese?

Here are a few tips to help you clean your braces after eating string cheese. 

Rinse your mouth thoroughly with water immediately after eating. This can help to remove any food particles that may be stuck in your braces and reduce the risk of plaque buildup. 

You can also use a soft toothbrush and orthodontic wax to clean your braces. Finally, always floss and brush your teeth regularly to maintain good oral hygiene.

Is it safe to eat string cheese during certain stages of my orthodontic treatment?

The safety of eating string cheese during certain stages of your orthodontic treatment may vary depending on the following factors: the type of braces you have, the stage of your treatment, and the specific instructions given to you by your dentist or orthodontist.

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