Why Do People Put Steak On A Black Eye?

Putting steak on a black eye is a common home remedy that has been passed down for generations. While it may seem odd, there are reasons behind it. The cold temperature of the steak helps to reduce swelling and inflammation, providing relief to the affected area.

Additionally, the steak’s texture can provide a gentle massage, promoting blood circulation and speeding up the healing process. However, it’s important to note that this remedy should not replace medical treatment and it’s always best to consult a healthcare professional for proper evaluation and advice.

why do people put steak on a black eye

How Does Steak Help with Black Eye Healing?

A black eye, also known as a periorbital hematoma, is a common result of facial trauma or injury. It occurs when blood collects in the space around the eye, causing discoloration and swelling.

While there are various remedies and treatments available for black eyes, one surprising method that has gained popularity is using steak.

Yes, you read that correctly – steak! Steak, particularly raw or cold steak, has been found to have several beneficial properties that aid in black eye healing. Let’s delve into how steak can help with the healing process:

1. Cold Compress Effect

One of the primary reasons why steak is effective in treating black eyes is its cold compress effect.

When applied to the affected area, the cold temperature of the steak helps to constrict blood vessels, reducing blood flow and minimizing swelling. This can provide immediate relief and promote faster healing.

2. Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Steak contains natural anti-inflammatory compounds that can help reduce inflammation around the eye.

The proteins and amino acids present in steak have been found to inhibit the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, substances that contribute to swelling and pain. By reducing inflammation, steak can help alleviate discomfort and expedite the healing process.

3. Nutritional Benefits

Steak is a rich source of essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B12. These nutrients play a vital role in the body’s healing process. Iron is necessary for red blood cell production, which promotes efficient oxygen delivery to the damaged tissues.

Zinc helps stimulate collagen synthesis, aiding in tissue repair. Vitamin B12 is involved in the formation of new cells, supporting the regeneration of damaged skin and tissues. Incorporating steak into your diet can provide these nutrients, giving your body the necessary resources to heal faster.

4. Moisture Retention

The natural juices present in steak can act as a moisturizer for the skin around the black eye. Keeping the area moisturized is crucial for preventing dryness and promoting proper healing.

Dryness can cause itching, cracking, and delays in the healing process. Applying steak to the black eye area can help retain moisture, keeping the skin supple and aiding in a quicker recovery.

The Science Behind Using Steak for Black Eyes

When it comes to treating black eyes, many people have heard the old remedy of using a steak. While it may seem strange, there is actually some science behind this popular home remedy.

In this section, we will explore the reasons why steak is believed to be effective in reducing swelling and bruising associated with black eyes.

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1. Cold Compress

One of the main reasons why steak is used for black eyes is because it can act as a cold compress. Applying something cold to the affected area can help constrict blood vessels and reduce swelling.

When a black eye occurs, it is often due to broken blood vessels beneath the skin, causing blood and fluid to accumulate around the eye.

By using a steak as a cold compress, the cold temperature can help shrink the blood vessels, decreasing the blood flow to the area and minimizing inflammation. This cold therapy can also provide temporary relief from pain and help numb the area, making it more comfortable for the individual.

2. Anti-inflammatory Properties

In addition to its cold compress benefits, steak also possesses some anti-inflammatory properties. Red meat, such as steak, contains nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids and vitamins that have been known to have anti-inflammatory effects on the body.

These anti-inflammatory properties can further assist in reducing swelling and bruising associated with black eyes. The nutrients in the steak can help promote healing and potentially speed up the recovery process.

3. Moisturizing Effect

Another benefit of using steak for black eyes is its moisturizing effect. The natural juices and fats in the steak can help keep the skin around the eye hydrated. This can prevent dryness and promote skin elasticity, which may contribute to a faster healing process.

Furthermore, the moisturizing effect of the steak can help soften the skin and make it more supple, reducing any discomfort or tightness caused by the black eye.

4. Psychological Comfort

Lastly, using a steak as a treatment for black eyes may have a psychological component. The idea of placing a soothing cold piece of meat on the eye can provide a sense of comfort and relaxation. This can help alleviate anxiety and make the individual feel more at ease during the healing process.

While the exact scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of using steak for black eyes is limited, many individuals swear by this home remedy. It is important to note that using a steak as a treatment should not replace proper medical care.

If you experience a black eye, it is essential to seek medical attention to rule out any underlying injuries.

Alternative Remedies for Black Eye Relief

Black eyes can be painful and unsightly, but there are several alternative remedies that can help provide relief and promote healing. These remedies can be used in conjunction with traditional medical treatment or on their own, depending on the severity of the black eye.

In this section, we will explore some natural remedies that can help alleviate pain, reduce swelling, and speed up the healing process.

1. Cold Compress

One of the most effective and simple remedies for a black eye is a cold compress. Applying a cold compress to the affected area can help reduce swelling and alleviate pain.

You can use a bag of frozen peas, a chilled spoon, or even a cold washcloth soaked in ice water. Gently apply the compress to the black eye for about 15 minutes at a time, several times a day.

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2. Arnica Gel

Arnica gel is a popular homeopathic remedy that can be applied topically to the black eye. This gel contains Arnica montana, a plant known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Applying a small amount of arnica gel to the black eye can help reduce swelling and bruising. Remember to follow the instructions on the packaging and consult a healthcare professional before using any new products.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is well-known for its soothing and healing properties, making it an excellent remedy for a black eye. You can use fresh Aloe vera gel or a store-bought gel that is specifically formulated for skin care.

Apply a thin layer of Aloe vera gel to the affected area and gently massage it in. Repeat this process a few times a day to help reduce swelling and promote healing.

4. Witch Hazel

Witch hazel is a natural astringent that can help reduce swelling and inflammation associated with a black eye. Soak a cotton ball or pad in witch hazel and gently dab it onto the affected area.

You can repeat this process a few times a day to help alleviate pain and promote healing. Make sure to choose an alcohol-free witch hazel product to avoid any stinging or irritation.

5. Chamomile Tea Bags

Chamomile tea bags can provide relief and promote healing for a black eye. Brew a cup of chamomile tea and let the tea bags cool down. Once they are cool, place them on the affected eye for about 15 minutes.

Chamomile contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce swelling and soothe the area. You can repeat this process a few times a day for best results.

6. Vitamin C

Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that plays a crucial role in the healing process. Consuming foods rich in vitamin C, such as citrus fruits, strawberries, and broccoli, can help promote healing and reduce the risk of infection.

You can also consider taking a vitamin C supplement, but consult a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine.

7. Elevation

Elevating your head while sleeping or resting can help reduce swelling and promote blood circulation, which can aid in the healing process.

Use an extra pillow or two to elevate your head while sleeping or prop yourself up with pillows when resting. This simple remedy can make a significant difference in reducing the duration and severity of a black eye.

While these alternative remedies can provide relief and promote healing, it is important to consult a healthcare professional if you experience severe pain, vision problems, or if the black eye does not improve within a week.

They can assess the severity of the injury and recommend appropriate treatment options.

Why Do People Put Steak On A Black Eye

Debunking Myths: Does Putting Steak on a Black Eye Actually Work?

Black eyes are a common occurrence due to accidents, injuries, or even just a simple bump on the face. When faced with a black eye, many people turn to various remedies and folklore to speed up the healing process.

One of the popular myths surrounding black eyes is the idea of putting a steak on the affected area. In this section, we will debunk this myth and explore the truth behind the steak remedy.

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1. The Origins of the Steak Myth

The idea of using steak for black eye treatment may have stemmed from the belief that cold temperatures can help reduce swelling. In the past, people used raw meat, such as steak, as a cold compress to alleviate pain and swelling.

Unfortunately, this practice has been perpetuated over the years, leading to the misconception that steak can specifically aid in the healing of black eyes.

2. The Truth behind the Myth

Contrary to popular belief, placing a steak on a black eye is not an effective treatment method. While cold compresses can help reduce swelling, using a steak as a compress can pose several risks.

Raw meat carries bacteria that may contaminate the skin and increase the risk of infection. Additionally, the texture and shape of the steak may not conform well to the contours of the eye area, making it less effective in providing targeted relief.

3. Recommended Treatments for Black Eyes

Instead of relying on the steak myth, there are alternative treatments and home remedies that can help alleviate the symptoms of a black eye:

  • Ice Packs: Applying a cold compress, such as an ice pack or a bag of frozen vegetables, to the affected area can help reduce swelling and ease discomfort. It is important to wrap the ice pack in a cloth or towel to prevent direct contact with the skin.
  • Elevation: Keeping the head elevated while resting can help minimize swelling by promoting proper blood circulation.
  • Pain Relievers: Over-the-counter pain relievers, such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen, can help manage pain and discomfort associated with a black eye.
  • Arnica Gel: Topical arnica gel, derived from a plant, may help reduce inflammation and bruising when applied gently to the affected area.

4. When to Seek Medical Attention

While most black eyes heal on their own within one to two weeks, there are cases that require medical attention. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if:

  • The black eye is accompanied by severe pain or blurred vision.
  • The injury was caused by a significant impact, such as a fall or a car accident.
  • There is bleeding from the eye or nose.
  • There are signs of infection, such as increased redness, warmth, or pus.
Why Do People Put Steak On A Black Eye 3


Why do people put steak on a black eye?

People often use steak on a black eye because the cold temperature can help reduce swelling and inflammation. The texture of the steak can also provide a gentle massaging effect, which may help stimulate blood flow and potentially promote healing.


In conclusion, the practice of putting steak on a black eye is a common myth that has been passed down through generations.

While some people believe that the cold temperature and anti-inflammatory properties of steak can help reduce swelling and bruising, there is no scientific evidence to support this claim.

It is important to remember that applying ice or a cold compress is the most effective method for reducing swelling and promoting healing. Additionally, seeking medical attention from a healthcare professional is crucial, as they can provide proper diagnosis and treatment for a black eye.

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